Arvi Gjoka

PhD Student, Courant Institute, New York University


I am a fifth year PhD student at Courant Institute, NYU, where I am co-advised by Daniele Panozzo and Denis Zorin. My research interests include robust differentiable simulation, inverse design and soft robotics. I am particularly interested in fabrication methods, both as a verification of simulation and as an end goal of optimization.

Link to my resume.

I am currently looking for post-doc and industry positions starting in Fall 2025, please reach out if interested!

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selected publications

  1. Differentiable solver for time-dependent deformation problems with contact
    Zizhou Huang, Davi Colli Tozoni, Arvi Gjoka , and 4 more authors
    ACM Trans. Graph., May 2024
  2. Soft Pneumatic Actuator Design using Differentiable Simulation
    Arvi Gjoka, Espen Knoop, Moritz Bächer , and 2 more authors
    In Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference Conference Papers ’24 , Denver, CO, USA, May 2024